Monday, April 18, 2011

My Old Lady Body

Sometimes I feel like I have the body of a 60 year old woman instead of an almost 21 year old one. I seem to be falling apart at the seams here. My one big worry lately is that of the pain in my upper shin, right under my knee. It started as a slight ache which I assumed would go away in due time like most pain, but after a week of difficult walking and trying to lay off the exercise I'm getting concerned. I really can't afford to get seriously injured right now, as it's narrowing down to a month before the big 10K. At this point in time there's no way I'll be able to run 6.2 miles stamina wise, let alone with a bum leg. I need to train, but I also need to rest so whatever it is that is the problem can heal....and fast. I just wish I could avoid walking across campus for the rest of the week, shouldn't they give exceptions to the gimps? Oh well, 9 days till the end of my semester!!! We can forget the fact that I have 10 million things to do before then, but we'll make it through.

Did anyone else watch the William and Kate movie on Lifetime tonight? I'm not really that into all this royal wedding hype, but I wanted to see what this movie was all about. I actually thought it was quite a cute story, although I don't know how much of it is true. The actors seemed to be a good job, now I'm off to bed after this long and exhausting day.

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