Corie and I decided to go see the movie Love and Other Drugs today. I've been dying to see this movie ever since I read about it in Jake Gyllenhaal's interview in Marie Claire this summer. Out of all the guys in Hollywood, Jake Gyllenhaal is probably my favorite. I love his acting, and come on those eyes and body are amazing! I'm a big Ann Hathaway fan as well and loved her in movies such as Princess Diaries, The Devil Wears Prada, and Rachel Getting Married. I've even seen Brokeback Mountain (for anyone who hasn't seen this....definite recommendation), the last movie the pair played opposite in (even though they didn't exactly work out in that one), and knew they'd make another great movie together. I can't find the specific article I read in Marie Claire but wish I could because Jake (I'd like to think we're on a first name basis) spills the details on how exactly Ann convinced him to do the movie.....lets just say it was way cute!

I'd heard mixed reviews on the film, but for me it was a definite win. The story line was good, actor's good, the brother was hilarious. I laughed, I cried. One note of caution....lots of nudity! Basically they're naked for half the film.....another thank you to Jake Gyllenhaal for his rockin' bod lol.
During the first 5 minutes of the movie....I don't even know if it was that long after the actual movie started.....Corie happened to knock over the bucket of popcorn so half of it ended up by our feet. Oh gave us a good laugh. I also love the fact that movies here are only $5...... compared to the 8 or 9 dollars it is at home. Taking the bus wasn't bad either, we had to walk a bit to find the theater but not too far. Next time I want to take the bus and just go shopping there... DSW here i come!
Hope everyone else had a good day! Now if I could only find my phone charger :/
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