Sunday, March 18, 2012

This Will Hurt

A few things:

  • I had to come up with a behavior to modify for a Health Psych project so I chose exercise. I set a goal of 3 days a week (T/F/Sun) for at least 30 minutes for the first 2 weeks, and 4 days a week (T/Th/F/Sun) for at least 30 minutes for the second 2 weeks. For each week I make my goal, I get to buy a song on iTunes.
  • Since today is Sunday, I needed to workout. The unfortunate thing being St. Patty's Day was yesterday, which left my body a little less apt to workout... but I did it anyway. 
  • My dad called tonight to remind me to get spinning because after some research he discovered it's about 320 miles from Kalamazoo to Normal, IL. So what we thought was going to be a two maybe three day ride is now a four day ride... 80 miles each. That really will hurt, even after training I'm thinking.
  • I will train train train train train!
  • This is just a warm up for my across the US ride one day.
  • Why do I insist on dreaming so big again?

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