Tuesday, June 9, 2015

My Week In Links 3

Hey guys!

Have you seen the Suffragette trailer? I'm so excited for this movie. Just look at that cast of actresses. Hopefully the film is as good as it looks.

And of course we have the brave real life women who stood up and changed the world.

And if you were as in love with the cover of Landslide as I was, here's a link to The Mahogany Session video.

Speaking of music, I've been on a roll lately. The last couple of days has been a continuous playlist of Fugazi, Nirvana, The 1975, Sonic Youth, Arctic Monkeys, The Orwells, Smashing Pumpkins, Oasis, and others. It's been the perfect mixture of bands I love but haven't listened to in a while.

I finished The Last Little Blue Envelope on Saturday and have the worst book hangover from it. I tried starting Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides but I can't get Europe and cute little romances with British men off my mind. There's nothing I want more than to explore the world and see all it's wonderful art (natural and human made). Maybe I'll re-read Anna and The French Kiss instead.

I started making iced coffee at home and it's the best decision I've made all week. Yay warmer weather! I honestly don't know why this makes me so happy, but it does.

These look so good. My mouth instantly started watering. Also this, and this.

Many hours were spent last week watching Plan With Me videos and checking out planner stickers on Etsy. I'm obsessed. The only good part about this planner obsession is that I'm actually getting stuff done. I've finally figured out a good system, although there's always room for improvement.

I started riding my bike to work recently and I've been trying to master the art of looking cute on a bike. My problem is the sweat. How do you bike somewhere and not melt once you get there? I mean it's not even summer yet. Showing up to work with makeup dripping down my face because I had to wear pants and sneakers in mid 70 degree weather is not going to cut it. Someone help. Teach me your ways of grace and stylishness.

This girl knows what's up. She's got the effortlessly cool style down.

In other fashion related news, I really want to try this.

A coworker recently shared this article about NYPL's #letmelibrarianthatforyou project. I giggled. I may not be an official librarian, but I get some pretty interesting questions in the computer lab. Just an FYI I had to use Google to find that article. I really don't know how people survived without the internet.... oh wait, they called the library.

Last but certainly not least, this young dancer blew me away. I can't watch her performance without getting a little teary eyed. Just a little reminder that dance and movement is a universal language, one that connects us all.


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