Thursday, June 27, 2013

Adulting Review

I recently finished the book Adulting: How to Become a Grown-Up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps by Kelly Williams Brown. I heard about this book, which is actually based off a blog with the same name, through my friend Sam.

I should start off by saying I was a little self conscious about reading this book in public. The title definitely makes it come across as a "self help" type of thing that people could easily judge you for. I envisioned lots of, "Look at that girl, who needs to read about how to be an adult? Is she really failing at life that much?" Then I realized it didn't matter, in fact there's a part in the book that talks about how no one actually pays that much attention to you or as Kelly so greatly put it, "You are not a special snowflake."

The book has a lot to say, but is a quick and easy way to help you with the struggles that everyone faces when you're on your own and have to do things for yourself. Some of the stuff is basic and maybe a little unnecessary for most people, but there's also lots of great points you may find useful. The book is broken up into sections such as Cooking, Money, Family, Friends and Neighbors, Love, Jobs, Housing, Maintenance, and a Fake It Till You Make It part (I hope I'm not forgetting anything). I think this book is a must read for anyone who is graduated college, has graduated, living on their own, in their mid twenties, or just wants to get advice on how to better organize or view their life. Even though I've already read the book, I plan on buying a copy for myself. I really felt the urge to highlight or bookmark different steps throughout the book that could be useful to remember as well as steps I could use at a future date, like when I move out.

Having adult responsibilities and making adult decisions can be difficult and no one is going to get it right all the time. It's nice to have a book remind you that you should clean your house once a week, check the oil in your car, and to always send Thank You notes.

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