Monday, November 18, 2013

Anxiety Gladiators

I've been obsessed with the poem Anxiety Group by Catalina Ferro for months now. I seriously can't stop watching it. Although my anxiety problems are not at the same level as most of the behaviors she describes, I can sympathize with a lot of these feelings. It's kind of nice to know that when you're fighting something you're not the only one fighting it (or fighting for it).

"These people who fight through every day like fucking gladiators who fight demons worse than you, and I can dream of, just because they want so badly to live. To hold on. To love. Because you can’t be this afraid of losing everything if you don’t love everything first, because you have to have a soul-crushing hope that things will get better to be this afraid of missing it."

You never know what kind of battles other people are facing. It's important to realize some people are working through problems that aren't easily fixed, and they can't just make these issues go away.

I just really love this poem.


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