I don't know about you, but it seems that the less I have planned in my life, the less I get done what I need to get done. For instance, I had quite a bit of homework that I needed to finish this weekend and all that free time, but I'm still left late on Sunday night scrambling to finish all my work. I have a procrastination problem...
I went to the gym this afternoon for a nice workout. I went easy on the joints with a little elliptical (the kind that you move your arms too) for 20 minutes. Then I switched to the stationary bike for another 20 minutes changing between speeds of 3 and 5 at intervals of 2 minutes. Followed up by 20 bicycle crunches, 10 side crunches on either side, 20 reverse crunches and 30 leg lifts on either side. My ipod ran out of battery after the elliptical, which was annoying. Partly why I did the other half of my workout on the bike because then I just watched Mean Girls on TV. I haven't seen that movie in so long and forgot how truly funny it was. Back when Lindsay Lohan was actually good at acting and doing her job, when she looked normal and still had red hair.
After a stop for a mocha from Biggby, I came back to get cracking on my homework....finally. So I popped in P.S. I Love You, made some ramen noodles and I'm sitting in my big green chair being productive....imagine that. I would totally marry Gerard Butler, my mom thinks I'm crazy for thinking he's hot because he's "so old" but he's like the same age as Brad Pitt so I'm ok with that. Plus he's got the whole hot Scottish accent thing going on, can't beat that.

I'll be his Galway Girl :)

Best part of the movie! hahahha
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