Saturday, May 24, 2014

Happy Saturday!

I hope everyone is having a great morning and enjoying their long weekend!

I made my weekly trip downtown to the farmer's market and to get breakfast this lovely morning. It's bright and sunny here but kind of chilly in the shade. My parents went to Mackinac Island today and asked me if I would pick up some asparagus at the farmer's market (which I said I would gladly do). I also grabbed some honey. We used to have a huge thing of it that we got from someone local, but I haven't been able to find that anywhere and I've been dying for honey. My allergies have hit and I'm hoping this helps a little. I know you're really supposed to start eating the local honey a few months before your allergies start, but I've been putting off purchasing some in case I managed to find the stuff we already had. Oh well.

There's a ton of people in town this weekend for the holiday and for the Bayshore Marathon. It was really busy downtown (which was good) but I'm not ready for full on tourist season yet. I like having peaceful Saturdays when I don't have to wait in line to get coffee or miss out on pastries. Unfortunately, by the time I made it to the farmer's market this morning (at 10:15), the cream cheese pastry that I love (and was longing for) were all sold out (sad times). I ended up going to get a muffin from The Green House Cafe. I was lucky to be getting my muffin to go because there was quite a line in there too.

Lastly, here's a shot of my outfit today (ignore my unmade bed in the background). The flannel shirt is from American Eagle (quite a few years old), the black jeans are also from AE but they're newer, and the t shirt is one of my favorites from Urban Outfitters (which is also old) that says "Be the change you wish to see in the world."


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