Friday, December 20, 2013


I can't believe it's already the 20th of December. Where has this month gone? Where has this year gone? Luckily, I have the majority of my Christmas shopping over with (there's only one person left) so I haven't felt the pre-Christmas pressure as much within the last week. Tomorrow is our family Christmas for my dad's side of the family. Unfortunately I'm on call for work, but I'm hoping that it doesn't become one of those rare days I actually have to work. Hopefully tomorrow I can sit back with the family and....

It's been non-stop snowing outside for what seems like the past couple of weeks. I love when everything is white and pretty outside but I'm definitely sick of shoveling the driveway every day.

Tonight I have plans to see White Christmas at the State Theater with my friend Sandy. We had dinner the other night and both decided we couldn't miss out on our holiday movie tradition. You know there's nothing I love more than seeing Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye pretending to be the Haynes sisters.

Do you guys have any holiday traditions with friends? Do you have separate Christmas (or other holidays) for your different families?


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