Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Moving In
I've been so busy the last few days moving back to Kalamazoo.
Friday I went down to see Hannah and her family for her birthday. That was a blast, but way too short.
Saturday morning we woke up and drove to Kzoo to move me into my new apartment. There were a few bumps in the move in day, but those were resolved and hopefully smoothed out. I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with my roommates.
Sunday was spent catching up with Nichole who now lives conveniently right across the parking lot from me :) We went to Panera for dinner then out to see Crazy Stupid Love. Three words: Ryan Gosling's body. Oh my god! Seriously the man can do no wrong. The movie was really cute too. I would go see it again. I liked how the whole story line was kind of a mystery and there were a lot of unexpected things that happened. Afterward I came back to the apartment to work on putting away kitchen stuff. My room is still in boxes. I can't wait till everything is put into place.... eventually.

Today I went outside to hang by the pool with Nichole. The sun was blazing and the pool was a bit chilly to actually go swimming in, but it was nice to get outside and enjoy the last bits of summer. After the pool I came back and worked on putting my clothes away.
Friday I went down to see Hannah and her family for her birthday. That was a blast, but way too short.
Saturday morning we woke up and drove to Kzoo to move me into my new apartment. There were a few bumps in the move in day, but those were resolved and hopefully smoothed out. I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with my roommates.
Sunday was spent catching up with Nichole who now lives conveniently right across the parking lot from me :) We went to Panera for dinner then out to see Crazy Stupid Love. Three words: Ryan Gosling's body. Oh my god! Seriously the man can do no wrong. The movie was really cute too. I would go see it again. I liked how the whole story line was kind of a mystery and there were a lot of unexpected things that happened. Afterward I came back to the apartment to work on putting away kitchen stuff. My room is still in boxes. I can't wait till everything is put into place.... eventually.
Today I went outside to hang by the pool with Nichole. The sun was blazing and the pool was a bit chilly to actually go swimming in, but it was nice to get outside and enjoy the last bits of summer. After the pool I came back and worked on putting my clothes away.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Things My Future Roommates Should Know About Me
I'm sure we all have habits and certain behaviors that define our daily lives. Some may be normal, others may get on each others nerves. Since we're moving in on Saturday, I thought I'd take this time to share a few of those things I know I do and probably should try to stop. I probably should apologize right off the bat for these things that may annoy you in the future. I'm sorry, I will try to work on my bad habits.
1. I tend to sing along with songs. Most of the time it just happens and I don't even realize what I'm doing. Feel free to tell me to shut up.
2. I dance... a lot. When I'm cooking. When I'm cleaning. When I'm listening to music. When it's completely silent. When I'm sitting. When I'm standing. All the time.
3. I have a habit of leaving dishes in my room. Eventually I'll get around with picking them up but yeah, they might stay there for a few days. I also tend to leave dishes in the sink. These usually get cleaned up within a few hours, but I can see this being a problem for those living with me.
4. I'm either really organized or, most of the time, I'm messy. I know where everything is, but it's scattered around. The only good thing about this... it will probably stay within the confines of my own room, so no worries :)
5. I've been told I'm a whiner. I mean, I don't see how I complain that much but my family has pointed it out before.
6. I'm broke. I'm sorry if I can't go out every night or go on shopping trips all the time because I have no money... and right now, no job.
7. I love Kraft Mac n Cheese. It's a problem for my wast-line but so good in my stomach :)
8. I might talk to myself sometimes.... I swear I'm not crazy. You can feel free to ignore me.
9. I come up with kind of crazy ideas every other day. Things I'm going to do eventually. Most of the time they don't get done.
10. Which also leads into the fact that I'm a huge procrastinator. I wait till the very last minute to do all my important stuff (and not so important stuff).
Hope you're not already dreading having me around after this. I'm sure it was bound to come out eventually.
1. I tend to sing along with songs. Most of the time it just happens and I don't even realize what I'm doing. Feel free to tell me to shut up.
2. I dance... a lot. When I'm cooking. When I'm cleaning. When I'm listening to music. When it's completely silent. When I'm sitting. When I'm standing. All the time.
3. I have a habit of leaving dishes in my room. Eventually I'll get around with picking them up but yeah, they might stay there for a few days. I also tend to leave dishes in the sink. These usually get cleaned up within a few hours, but I can see this being a problem for those living with me.
4. I'm either really organized or, most of the time, I'm messy. I know where everything is, but it's scattered around. The only good thing about this... it will probably stay within the confines of my own room, so no worries :)
5. I've been told I'm a whiner. I mean, I don't see how I complain that much but my family has pointed it out before.
6. I'm broke. I'm sorry if I can't go out every night or go on shopping trips all the time because I have no money... and right now, no job.
7. I love Kraft Mac n Cheese. It's a problem for my wast-line but so good in my stomach :)
8. I might talk to myself sometimes.... I swear I'm not crazy. You can feel free to ignore me.
9. I come up with kind of crazy ideas every other day. Things I'm going to do eventually. Most of the time they don't get done.
10. Which also leads into the fact that I'm a huge procrastinator. I wait till the very last minute to do all my important stuff (and not so important stuff).
Hope you're not already dreading having me around after this. I'm sure it was bound to come out eventually.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
"Fitblr" Favorites
I woke up early for another morning jog. This time I went 3.1 miles and finished in an hour. I figured it took me an extra 15 minutes or so to wait at all the lights and go in and talk to my mom, so it was probably more like 45 minutes of actual run/walking. I wish I was faster. Right now I'm just trying to work up to a straight mile again before I work on speed, but I get so discouraged when people can basically walk faster than I can jog it.
One of the reasons I've started to work out and get motivated again is from reading two blogs that really have inspired me lately: One Twenty Five and Ben Does Life. I had heard of Ben Does Life here and there in fitness blogs that I've read over the past year or so. He's made local, national, as well as international news. Ben made headlines after making an incredibly inspirational Youtube video called "My 120 pound journey"(I cry every time). I'd definitely recommend checking it out, because you pretty much can't not get up and get exercising after you watch it. If he could run at 358 pounds (at a faster pace than me nonetheless), then you really can't make any excuses for yourself. Since Ben started he's run 5ks, 10ks, marathons, and even two Ironmans. His blog is pretty amazing! I've laughed, I've cried, and I've gotten jealous of the way he does life.
Liz at 125 is this Canadian bad ass, who recently announced she's skipping over to Europe to travel and climb Mount Everest! Seriously, I think she's super cool and just want her life. She used to be 200 pounds and then a few years ago (around the same time as Ben, started the blog to keep her accountable. Her goal weight is 125 and she's already down 50 pounds.
So I guess in a way, I owe Ben, and Liz, for getting me back out there, getting one step closer to my goals every day.
What are you waiting for? Go out and DO LIFE.
Love and Peace,
PS. I totally agree with Liz in that I hate the word fitblr.
One of the reasons I've started to work out and get motivated again is from reading two blogs that really have inspired me lately: One Twenty Five and Ben Does Life. I had heard of Ben Does Life here and there in fitness blogs that I've read over the past year or so. He's made local, national, as well as international news. Ben made headlines after making an incredibly inspirational Youtube video called "My 120 pound journey"(I cry every time). I'd definitely recommend checking it out, because you pretty much can't not get up and get exercising after you watch it. If he could run at 358 pounds (at a faster pace than me nonetheless), then you really can't make any excuses for yourself. Since Ben started he's run 5ks, 10ks, marathons, and even two Ironmans. His blog is pretty amazing! I've laughed, I've cried, and I've gotten jealous of the way he does life.
Liz at 125 is this Canadian bad ass, who recently announced she's skipping over to Europe to travel and climb Mount Everest! Seriously, I think she's super cool and just want her life. She used to be 200 pounds and then a few years ago (around the same time as Ben, started the blog to keep her accountable. Her goal weight is 125 and she's already down 50 pounds.
So I guess in a way, I owe Ben, and Liz, for getting me back out there, getting one step closer to my goals every day.
What are you waiting for? Go out and DO LIFE.
Love and Peace,
PS. I totally agree with Liz in that I hate the word fitblr.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Morning Jog/Walk
I told my dad he better start training too or else he won't be able to catch up (lies because he can already run 3 miles without really training... lucky). Now I just need to find a 5K to sign up for to keep me on track. Anyone know of any races coming up in Michigan?
Off to cross off thrift shopping with Sandy at Goodwill!
(file under perfect Sunday)
Summer Music Playlist
Songs I just can't stop listening to. Some are old, some are new, some are pop, some are indie, some are rock. All in my opinion are great for summer.
- Miss Me by Andy Grammer
- Who Says by Selena Gomez & the Scene (yeah, I know, but it's a good song to jam to with the windows down or
singshout along to while dancing around the house) - Paris (Ooh La La) by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
- Kids In Love by Mayday Parade (LOVE LOVE LOVE. I haven't been able to stop listening to it)
- Super Bass by Nicki Minaj
- Lost in my Mind by The Head and the Heart
- Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People
- Talk on Indolence by the Avett Brothers
- She Gives it Away by Beth Hart
- Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too by Say Anything
- We Sing In Time by The Lonely Forrest
- The Galway Girl by Steve Earle (this song is for every season and every year)
- Me & All My Friends by Walk the Moon
- Coyote by The Lonely Forrest (I know I've mentioned this before)
- Fragile Bird (I've mentioned this one too)
- We're Gonna Make It by The Orange Peels
- Animal by Ellie Goulding
- When I Grow Up by Fever Ray
- Crazy Bitch by Buck Cherry
- The Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga
- Dance Without You by Skylar Grey
- E.T./ Waiting for the End by Michael Henry and Justin Robinett
- Lisa Baby by Walk the Moon
- Going to California by Led Zeppelin (Classic)
- To Kingdom Come by Passion Pit (Passion Pit is always a good decision)
There we go. 25 songs perfect for the summer.... now that it's almost over. Listen to it on the beach, on a nice bike ride in the sun, on a run, on a walk, while reading a book while laying in the grass, blast it in your car, dance to it naked around your room, wake up to it, go to sleep to it, relax to it, or pump yourself up...
Love your life.
and love music.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Running Again
Today, August 9, marks my first "run" since the Bayshore 10K on May 30th (fail). Really when I say I "ran" today, it means I jogged at a pretty slow pace before stopping to walk. I don't know how far I made it before stopping, but it wasn't too far (maybe a tenth of a mile?) I'm basically back to square one, but this time I want to be smart about it. Take care of my knees and take certain precautions to keep my body happy. I'm glad my pain above my left knee has finally gone away, but I'm still worried that it will come back.
I'm hoping this is a start of something good and I'll actually keep it up this time. I remember running my first full mile in the weeks after finishing the Turkey Trot 5K last fall and just how satisfying that feeling was. I still can't believe my original goal was to run the Chicago marathon in October of this year. Lets be real, I would have never made it. I want to be smart about my goals and work up to running distances before getting too far ahead of myself. I'm hoping to run a few more 5 and 10K's within the next year. Then maybe, if I don't get more pain in my knees or anything, try for a half marathon. I'd really love to run the Walt Disney Princess half marathon.... because lets be honest how sweet would it be to run in a tutu through the castle?
London Riots
London and the surrounding areas are in my thoughts. I can't believe how scary it must be there right now. What has happened to humanity? Hope everyone stays safe.

These are so sad.
These are so sad.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Phenomenal Woman
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion models size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my steps,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my hips,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heals,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
- Maya Angelou
All I really want to say about this poem is that one day I willwalk strut around town with the same sense of confidence in myself. I will hold my head high and know that I am a phenomenal woman.
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion models size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my steps,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my hips,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heals,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
- Maya Angelou
All I really want to say about this poem is that one day I will
Just In Time
In the last few minutes of the day, I finally get a chance to tell you that it's my Mammasita's Birthday today!!
I have a feeling she might kill me for this picture, but it's too late. Love you mom!!
(ps sorry for my double face happening in this)
I have a feeling she might kill me for this picture, but it's too late. Love you mom!!
(ps sorry for my double face happening in this)
Saturday, August 6, 2011
My Whole Family is Cooler than Me.
So, my brother went tubing down the Platte River and my parents left me for Elk Rapids all afternoon. I'm home alone, doing absolutely nothing and realizing how lame I am. Sitting around killing time till work at five.
I need a life
I need a life
I need a meaning
I need a mission
I need a path
I need conviction
I need a life I've never had
I need much more good and much less bad
Forgot to foam roll after Insanity's Cardio Power and Resistance workout...
and now I can't move.
Regret, so much regret. I'm feeling the lactic acids today.
and now I can't move.
Regret, so much regret. I'm feeling the lactic acids today.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Random question for the Universe...
Does anyone know what to use if you don't have a food processor? Is there any other house hold item that I may or not own in which I can get the job done?
There's so many recipes out there that I'm dying to try. Like black bean burger and pesto, that seem to require a food processor.I have a blender, but I'm pretty sure that's not the same thing.
On a totally different note, I went to the street sale downtown after work today with my parents. Even as tired and sore (actually I'm surprisingly not that sore) from work and Insanity I still figured it'd be a fun outing. I guess I should work on getting out of my house more often than work and school (hermit girl). I'm glad I went though, because I bought a really cute pair of comfy heals(yeah, I didn't think those existed either) and a ear-warmer for winter on campus. My parents and I also saw a ton of people we knew and the whole night ended up lasting a little longer than what we originally planned. I love seeing and catching up with people I haven't talked to in forever.
I'll have to post pics of my presents I got myself today, also I'm pretty certain I'm getting a pair of TOMS. I tried some on tonight, but they just didn't have the biggest option color wise so I'll probably end up ordering some online.
What are you're opinion on TOMS? Anyone out there that has them and love them? Do they really last that long? Are they comfortable to wear for long periods of time? I'm thinking I will use them for work.
There's so many recipes out there that I'm dying to try. Like black bean burger and pesto, that seem to require a food processor.I have a blender, but I'm pretty sure that's not the same thing.
On a totally different note, I went to the street sale downtown after work today with my parents. Even as tired and sore (actually I'm surprisingly not that sore) from work and Insanity I still figured it'd be a fun outing. I guess I should work on getting out of my house more often than work and school (hermit girl). I'm glad I went though, because I bought a really cute pair of comfy heals(yeah, I didn't think those existed either) and a ear-warmer for winter on campus. My parents and I also saw a ton of people we knew and the whole night ended up lasting a little longer than what we originally planned. I love seeing and catching up with people I haven't talked to in forever.
I'll have to post pics of my presents I got myself today, also I'm pretty certain I'm getting a pair of TOMS. I tried some on tonight, but they just didn't have the biggest option color wise so I'll probably end up ordering some online.
What are you're opinion on TOMS? Anyone out there that has them and love them? Do they really last that long? Are they comfortable to wear for long periods of time? I'm thinking I will use them for work.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Shaking Muscles
First off, today was kind of a bummer due to the fact that I was on my way to bring a milkshake to my favorite cousin, Ariana Joy, when my car decided it hated driving around. I haven't had any troubles with the breaks since my dad and I bleed them out; but when I started smelling burning rubber and my car was having trouble accelerating, I knew something was wrong. My dad had to come get me and there went my fun afternoon.
I've been kind of stressed about money and school and the apartment next year that I knew it was time to get back into regular exercise. Not that regular exercise isn't good when you're not stressed, but stress is definitely a good motivator. Because I basically fail at follow through and sticking to my goals, I wasn't surprised when after taking, what I intended as, a week off from Insanity around the time of the Bayshore 10K, I seemed to quit all together.
Tonight I took the leap back into Insanity workouts. I ended pretty much exactly at the half way point, right at the start of the recovery week before the workouts get even harder. Basically this time around I decided to start with a few days of the first cycle workouts and then go into the recovery week. I decided to do the Plyometric Cardio Circuit DVD. HOLY MOLEY I SHOULD NOT HAVE STOPPED WORKING OUT FOR A FULL TWO MONTHS! Seriously I kind of don't know what I was thinking by not working out for that long but tonight was HARD. It was mentally and physically challenging and there were so many times when I just wanted to stop, lay down on the ground, and just guzzle my water. I was surprised at how long just the warm up seemed again. The more I did the workouts before the warm up seemed to get easier and shorter, now it just went on for forever (and so did the workout!) By the last few punches and jabs I was ready to rejoice in the fact that it was finally over.
As much as I dread working out and the hard work that is put into exercising like this, I secretly love the way it makes you feel. It reminds me of a good day after dance. If your body is sore, you know you put everything you could into your work outs. You tried hard and now you're feeling the results from pushing yourself through the challenge. It's somewhat satisfying when your muscles start to shake as you're walking up the stairs and the moment you sit down you loose all power to get yourself up again. The ground seemed to be my happy place until I was able to muster up enough strength to take my body to the shower. Oh the shower, it's such a lovely thing when you're covered in sweat. Now I've resorted to lying in my bed, ready to read a bit of "One Day" before I fall asleep.
This will definitely hurt worse tomorrow and I'm kind of dreading it. I'm just hoping I manage to make it through work the next four days straight. I'm a little terrified that I might collapse under the weight of clothes tomorrow.
I've been kind of stressed about money and school and the apartment next year that I knew it was time to get back into regular exercise. Not that regular exercise isn't good when you're not stressed, but stress is definitely a good motivator. Because I basically fail at follow through and sticking to my goals, I wasn't surprised when after taking, what I intended as, a week off from Insanity around the time of the Bayshore 10K, I seemed to quit all together.
Tonight I took the leap back into Insanity workouts. I ended pretty much exactly at the half way point, right at the start of the recovery week before the workouts get even harder. Basically this time around I decided to start with a few days of the first cycle workouts and then go into the recovery week. I decided to do the Plyometric Cardio Circuit DVD. HOLY MOLEY I SHOULD NOT HAVE STOPPED WORKING OUT FOR A FULL TWO MONTHS! Seriously I kind of don't know what I was thinking by not working out for that long but tonight was HARD. It was mentally and physically challenging and there were so many times when I just wanted to stop, lay down on the ground, and just guzzle my water. I was surprised at how long just the warm up seemed again. The more I did the workouts before the warm up seemed to get easier and shorter, now it just went on for forever (and so did the workout!) By the last few punches and jabs I was ready to rejoice in the fact that it was finally over.
As much as I dread working out and the hard work that is put into exercising like this, I secretly love the way it makes you feel. It reminds me of a good day after dance. If your body is sore, you know you put everything you could into your work outs. You tried hard and now you're feeling the results from pushing yourself through the challenge. It's somewhat satisfying when your muscles start to shake as you're walking up the stairs and the moment you sit down you loose all power to get yourself up again. The ground seemed to be my happy place until I was able to muster up enough strength to take my body to the shower. Oh the shower, it's such a lovely thing when you're covered in sweat. Now I've resorted to lying in my bed, ready to read a bit of "One Day" before I fall asleep.
This will definitely hurt worse tomorrow and I'm kind of dreading it. I'm just hoping I manage to make it through work the next four days straight. I'm a little terrified that I might collapse under the weight of clothes tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Summing Up Yesterday
In list form of course..
- Lunch with Sandy and CHELSEA!!!!! Luigi's, chatting with old co-works for way too long (the good kind), rain (so much rain!), baby belly rubbing non stop, pregnant Winnie wearing heals while I wear flip flops (call me lazy).
- Listened and relistened to Coyote by The Lonely Forest, Fragile Bird by City and Colour, Amor Fanti by Washed Out, and Lost In My Mind by The Head and the Heart. All of these songs I got on Amazon for free, which by the way I finally realized how many amazing deals Amazon offers and their free songs are serious steals; not to mention the 69 cent stuff. Sorry iTunes but I doubt I'll be buying much from you anymore.
- Looking up apartments in Chicago and San Francisco for after I graduate. After which doing the math and realizing that I better have a good job or couple of jobs or else this will never work.
- Painting my final picture. I love maps and globes and anything that has to do with traveling.
- Seeing a sweet frog stuck to my window last night! I love frogs and haven't seen one in forever!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
List of Love
- Movie theater popcorn
- Newly painted nails
- Baths
- Old book smells
- Sunglasses
- Accelerating
- Perfect music for the way you're feeling
- World Maps
- Multiple exposure photographs
- Raspberries
- Sun on your skin
- Hope
- Remembering dreams
- Dark chocolate
- Last words and quotes
- Sand between your toes
- Film camera shutter clicks
- Planning a trip
- Nectarines
- Frogs
- Watching passersby from inside a coffee shop
- Lists
- Men in suits
- Shadows
- National Geographic
- Saved ticket stubs
- Summer lust
- Dried paint on your hands
- white wines
- Sunsets/sunrises
- Coffee
- New tights
- Towels right out of the dryer
- Dreamcatchers
- 5 o'clock shadows
- Solitude
- Having exact change
- 11:11
- Stage lights
- Happy memories
Monday, August 1, 2011
Holy Blog Changes!!
Hope you enjoy the new look :) Let me know what you think.
I'm still planning on making a few more changes to the about me section and hopefully figure out some sort of direction for this bloggity blog of mine.
I'm still planning on making a few more changes to the about me section and hopefully figure out some sort of direction for this bloggity blog of mine.
You May Say
... but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one.
Dear New York City,
One day I will return to you and we will have more fun times together. For now I will keep dreaming, but will never forget how much good I have right in front of me now.
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