We headed out of the hotel a little after 10:30 to shop downtown.
We hit up Bivouac (one of my favorite places to shop!) They have everything from hiking and outdoorsy stuff to up scale/what you see on the celebs sweaters, jeans and much more (including a variety of gorgeous Marc Jacobs purses that I'm dying for) I found this AMAZING leather jacket there that was almost $400 but 40% off.....the whole store was 30 and 40% off! If I were working I would have totally bought that jacket, instead I found some running pants that I was able to pick up on sale for $40. I can't wait to test them out!
After that we headed over to Urban Outfitters (in which I just looked around.....did I mention how much I wanted a job again) and to American Apparel.
Then we trotted on over to Borders so I could pick up some new books with my gift card......Eat Pray Love
and Are You There Vodka it's Me Chelsea.
I've seen the Eat Pray Love movie and actually got it for Christmas because I loved it so much, but there's nothing like reading the original book. And I've heard really good things about all of Chelsea Handlers books, so when I so both of those in the buy one get one 50% off I knew I had to have them. (book reviews to come?) I still have to finish reading We the Living by Ayn Rand.
We arrived at the hospital at the scheduled 1:15 time for check in after driving all around the parking garage.....yesterday was packed!
They brought me down to pre-op where I suited up (hospital gowns are so stylish....not).
And then we waited......and waited. 2 o'clock came and went and no update? Luckily I was able to talk to Clancy (my favorite Child Life Specialist who I worked with during my weeks on the 5th floor after my jaw surgery) and an adorable dog named Annie came around to see some of the patients. Annie's specialty was hugs and her owner would lift her up into people's laps and she would put her front paws on either shoulder and lay her head on one side (pretty much the cutest thing ever!) When Annie came my way she got right up on the bed next to me and laid down her head on my lap. She was such a calm and lovable dog. Finally one of the nurses came over to inform us that things were running a bit behind and I wasn't on the board till 4 now. It happens, and we understood, but waiting all that time with no food I was starving! :(
After four we were told that my doctor had finally made it out of the previous surgery and they were just turning over the room for me. The anesthesiologist came and got the worst part of surgery over with.....finding a vein and getting the IV in. Luckily he got it after the second try (one of the better ones). Happy meds were pumped through my veins and off I went....
I think the scariest part is always when they take you in there and move you over to the tiny operating table, where they have to strap you in (which always makes me feel like a mental patient). Before I went in my very optimistic doctor told us he thought it would take half an hour (I was scheduled for an hour and a half), but it ended up taking 2 hours. They pulled an infected/problematic tooth in front of the gap for the new implant, which he believes was part of the past problems.
After I woke up.....apparently I slept for quite a while yesterday. My parents and I made the tough decision to just drive home last night. We almost stayed, but I just wanted to get home in my own bed. Unfortunately the roads last night were awful! I woke up half way there and the snow was heading straight at us and it was impossible to see (scary). But we made it home safely and I was thankful to just be back.
Hopefully this will be my last surgery and everything will work out perfectly this time :)
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