2010 has definitely had it's up's and downs, firsts and possibly lasts, crazy adventures and boring days.
.......But overall it's been a good year.
When the year first began I was at Northwestern Michigan College, living with my parents, in Traverse City, working, spending my down time sitting around, stressed out, and dreaming of big things.
I officially typed out my "bucket list" and started crossing off items.....or tried (such as attempting to learn to skateboard and play the guitar)
I spent days on end laughing with my friends Chelsea and Sandy
I lost a friend to drunk driving.....please don't ever get in a car after you or anyone else who may be driving has been drinking, this can be prevented!
I finished my 2nd year of college
I traveled by train to NYC with my friend Gabby
I finally got teeth
I watched sunsets on the dunes
I painted in the open space
I slacklined
I ended my life as a teenager....aka turned 20
I went to the casino for the first time
I transferred to Western Michigan University
I moved to Kalamazoo
I started working out again
I began running more
I hated Western......now I love it
I met new people, made new friends
I put myself in new situations
I cried
I ran my first 5K
I finished my first semester at WMU with above a 3.5
I took time to appreciate the people and the world around me
and now it's time to celebrate every moment!!!!
2010, you're been good.....
but I have high hopes for 2011
Hope everyone has fun New Years Eve plans! I'll be hanging with my friends and most likely freezing downtown TC watching a giant cherry drop from the sky.....woooohooo