Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Massages, Harry Potter, and Balls

So last week I noticed online that my campus activity was due this Friday (I thought it was due by the end of the semester...but no). I had a mini freak out when I noticed all of the health workshops were already done with and couldn't find anything else to do when I realized having a massage was an option :) I've never had a massage and figured hey if it's for class why not? With all the running I've been doing lately my muscles have been getting tight.....might as well treat myself. So I had an appointment for this morning at 10:45.....it was amazing! Warm, relaxing, she worked out all my knots, and even used hot stones(loved). I walked out of the student health center smelling like peppermint......it was a great start to my day!

After I got back from my massage I started to Youtube some Harry Potter fun. I started out with A Very Potter Musical......add in some Harry and the Potters music.....then I went for more StarKid Productions with Me and my Dick. Pretty much I geek-ed out and laughed all morning long. For those of you not familiar with StarKid or AVPM it's quality stuff......http://www.youtube.com/user/StarKidPotter......check out A Very Potter Musical, A Very Potter Sequel, and Me and my Dick. Also if you know watch Glee and know about the recently added cast member Darren Criss, he plays Harry Potter ;) Like I said I'm a geek and love Harry Potter (I know much more dedicated fans though). On a different note, I'd never seen Me and my Dick before and was cracking up the whole time. If you're in high school or college this is definitely a musical I would recommend.

For those of you not on this planet, the next Harry Potter movie comes out on Friday!!!! YAY.....I'm really sad I'm not seeing it at midnight though. For the past few movies I've gone to the midnight showings.....sat in a room stuffed with people dressed in Hogwarts robes and holding wands, yelling spells.....basically it's just a lot of fun. This year since I'm away at college and all my friends are spread out across the state/country I'm not going :( I have to wait all the way till next week when I go home to see it! That's such a long time that I'm going to be left out of HP fun.

Balls: As Nichole and I were walking back to our dorm, she goes "Lets play pool." Apparently we're not trusted with pool sticks and balls because I had to fork over my student ID just to play with them....although Nichole and I got kind of out of hand when we started to use the sticks as swords and run around the room chalking each other heheheh. We laughed, we danced, we sang along to Bon Jovi while using out pool sticks as microphones......yes we were in a public room in our dorm.....and no we didn't care. Next time we should just have a dance party.

Glee or One Tree Hill tonight? I hate how they're both on at 8.

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