Friday, February 21, 2014


Do you ever hear a song and then become completely obsessed with it? I mean can't stop listening to it even if you wanted to, stuck in your head for days, have to hear it just one more time before you leave the house. This happens to me all the time. Even if it's a song I've heard before, I'll still get in moods where I have to listen to it again.

Clementine by Sarah Jaffe. This song was played in a movie I watched the other night (Life Happens) and ever since then it's been stuck. I know I've heard it before but for some reason I can't get enough of it right now.

Adore You by Miley Cyrus. Say what you want about Miley but this is actually a pretty great song.

Lately by Sam Palladio and Clare Bowen. I think I've loved every song from these two, their voices sound incredible together. Nashville has been so good lately, but I just want Scarlett and Gunner to get back together.

I don't know what it is about these songs that make them special. I think it's typically the combination between lyrics and the type of mood I'm in. Usually after a week or so of constantly listening to the song over and over again I make myself sick of it. As much as we complain about the radio overplaying songs, I think it's a common mistake we all make. The joy of not listening to the radio often is that once you are sick of a song you have the option to not listen to it for a while.

Are you currently obsessed with any songs?


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Spending Time

Your life is so important. Make sure you appreciate the time you are given and use it for things that you find truly important.

I have noticed that I tend to waste a lot of time on my computer or watching TV shows. For the past week I've been watching the Olympics which I consider a good use of my time, but spending that much time watching TV shows takes away from other activities that I love. I want to be able to get more done and get myself to a better place than I am now. Part of making that happen will have to be finding a way to better manage my time and the way I spend my days.

Here's a list of 5 things I want to limit my time doing every day:

1. browsing the internet/social media

2. playing on my phone

3. sitting on the couch or in my bed

4. watching TV shows

5. mindlessly eating junk food

And 5 things I want to spend more time doing every day:

1. making art

2. reading

3. job searching

4. working out/doing something active

5. being outside

Do you think you spend your time wisely? What would you like to spend more/less time doing?


Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Everyone deserves to feel a little love today (and every day). My parent's are my special Valentines this year. So grateful for all their love and support.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How to Survive Valentines Day Single

I've been single my entire life so I like to consider myself an expert on maneuvering the holidays without a significant other. It's not always an easy task, but it doesn't have to be as horrible as you might think. Since Valentine's Day is a celebration of love, I like to take the day to love myself. Like they say, you have to love yourself before you can love someone else.

1. Buy yourself flowers or chocolate. You could even splurge on whatever it is that you've been wanting for the past month. Maybe you've been dying for a massage or have been resisting the urge to buy a beautiful dress. Whatever it is, now's the time to pamper yourself.

I absolutely love this dress from Alice and Olivia.

2. Tell yourself that "you are beautiful." Stand in front of a mirror and repeat the affirmation a few times.

3. Crank up some music and throw yourself a dance party. Play the songs that make you feel happy and hopeful.

4. Do something you love. Bake, read, make art, take a yoga class. However it is you like to spend your time, make sure you fit it into your schedule on Valentine's Day.

5. Schedule a friend date. Make plans with your single friends to have drinks, go to the movies, or have a girls night in. Get dressed up and go out or rent some chick flicks, either way surrounding yourself with friends is a good way to remember that you're not alone.

I found this recipe on Style Within Reach and it sounds like the perfect Valentine's Day cocktail.

6. Just spend the night relaxing. If you prefer to spend the night alone, pour yourself a glass of wine and run a bubble bath.

However you choose to spend your Valentine's Day, remember there are people who love you. Even if you don't have a significant other to spend the day with this year, you'll find that special person soon enough! Keep a smile on your face and don't let the day bring you down!

How do you plan on spending Valentine's Day?


Monday, February 3, 2014

Trying to Appreciate Thoreau

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.” 

I've been reading Walden for the past week and am struggling to get through the book. I like Thoreau's ideas and philosophies (which is why I keep reading), but his writing is so dry. It's been a challenge just to stay awake while reading, let alone focused on the page. I read Life Without Principle last year and don't remember having this problem. Oh well, I don't plan on giving up on this one any time soon.

I've also been trying to appreciate winter as much as I can while it's here (the season isn't about to leave any time soon), but that's another struggle. The above picture was taken some time last week. We have even more snow now. At least snow is pretty to look at when it covers everything and glitters in the sun.

Do you keep reading books even when they're hard to get through? What are your thoughts on Thoreau?
